Monday, March 31, 2008

New Blog For A New Month


Right, so I'm sitting here, Deathly Hallow's in front of me. Just had a shower, Organizing with a friend what we are going to do tomorrow. The Idea's we came up with were, movies? no nothing on except Hanna Montana OMG YES!!!.... no i don't think so. Bowling? ye sound's good.. oh wait there's only two of us. Maybe another time. pool (as in game, not water)? yes, perfect. Playing pool for a while then go and get something to eat, sound's good.

Anyway thought I'd read Deathly Hallow's again for the first time since i read it in under 17 hours when it came out ( no i didn't move, sleep, eat,drink.. nothing, just read it. Ok maybe two 1 minute stretch breaks.)

Umm ye, most of my day consisted of recording stuff for YouTube some of which is not up yet. It will be up tomorrow if it turns out alright, if not i might re do it. I also watched the Melbourne Comedy Gala on 10, was pretty good. Better that the last ones anyway.

Ok so I'm going to go and make my bed, sheet's we're all washed and shiz so YE!!!

-Next blog will consist of me talking about how i completely destroyed my friend in pool
-YouTube maybe

see ya round, kthxbai, signing of, that is all


1 comment:

Olivia C. said...

heya, dude-josh-man-guy, I'm a lame american who just found your YT and from there found this. I think it's all pretty cool, considering my blog hasn't been written in for months and- WAIT JUST A MINUTE! Yours hasn't been written in for months either! You should write something relatively new, dontcha think?

That's just my exhausted-three-in-the-AM opinion, though. Do whatever you want!